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IBDP Orientation at Stone Lodge

This morning, after much planning and anticipation since the close of last academic year, our new Year 12 students left for an overnight class trip to Stone Lodge.

The DP Outbound Activity at Stone Lodge is an interactive IBDP orientation for the students that will spend the next two years, in the demanding Diploma Programme, that will conclude their Secondary School Education. The IBDP-1 students will participate in a wealth of activities to guide them on the demands of the DP.

They were accompanied by our Secondary Vice Principle, IBDP Coordinator, Extended Essay Coordinator and our MYP and CAS Coordinator. A bonus advantage to the IBDP-1 Batch on this trip is that, two of our IBDP Alumni, Mouayad and Bashhar, from the 2016-17 and 2017-18 Batches respectively are also joining them.

The students will gain insight into the core of the programme – from SL and HL Subjects to CAS to TOK to Extended Essay and even get real-life advice and testimonials from the two alumni that have joined them!

It is only fitting that before they start on the rigorous journey of being IBDP Students, they are smoothly integrated into it through a trip to an eco-friendly, serene and idyllic environment such as stone lodge!

They were excited as they got ready to leave today, and as soon as we get further updates on what they were up to, we will keep you informed!