Home News   Let’s Give a Warm ARIS Welcome to Ms. Priscilla Talata

Let’s Give a Warm ARIS Welcome to Ms. Priscilla Talata

Let’s give a warm ARIS Welcome to Ms. Priscilla Talata!

Ms. Talata is our new ARIS Librarian in the PYP Library and she’s really Caring! Why you ask? Well there’s a new poster up in the library stating that “Our Teacher/Librarian Ms. Priscilla Talata is really Caring, because she takes care of the Library”, based on consensus.

Ms. Talata is a professional Librarian, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Studies (Major) and Sociology (Minor) and a Diploma in Librarianship, from the University of Ghana, Legon. She has been a library for 5 years and she absolutely loves it!

Since she is around books all day (what fun!), we asked her what some of her favourite books are, or what sorts of books she loves to read. You can always tell a person by the kinds of books they love. Ms. Talata is an all-rounder! She said that she loves to read all kinds of books, but she mostly gravitates towards Inspirational Books, Adventure Books and Novels written by African Writers. We all need a spoon of inspiration, a cup of adventure, and a tray full of beautiful novels. I guess, when you’re around books all day, you can’t quite choose a favourite, as each book tells a different stories.

She said that she’s excited to be a part of the ARIS Community, and she’s settling in just fine as everyone already loves her.

Fun fact, Ms. Talata also loves cooking and listening to music. Next time you see her, maybe ask her a few more questions, even recipes, and get to know her better!