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PYP DOK (Depth of Knowledge) Training Session

This morning, at the Primary Campus was a busy one for all the PYP Facilitators. While the Foundation Facilitators were engaged with the Montessori Workshop, the Primary Facilitators were at the DOK (Depth of Knowledge) Training Session.

In line with our Differentiated Instruction and Personalized Learning inside the classrooms to cater to each child’s different learning abilities, the DOK training takes into account that not all activities are helpful in students’ learning. It gives them a look into their classroom experiences and evaluate if their work and/or activities are engaging students. DOK is a tool that helps Facilitators plan their instruction and assessments with rigor and relevance to the subject or unit of inquiry.

All Math, English, Languages, Art and SEN Facilitators collaborated and shared ideas as to what they do in class in terms of activities or assessments or class work that can be suited to each child’s different learning ability.

A peek into this training showed Facilitators working together to develop different strategies that work for the creative Math students. Of this, was a strategy focused on - Bloom’s Taxonomy, which is set of three tiered models that classify three categories of educational learning objectives – cognitive, affective and sensory.

The learning objectives are classified in to the levels of complexity and specificity. Thus, delving into the different levels of thinking so that the students are able to choose activities and tasks based on their level of thinking and it helps Facilitators differentiate instructions for the different levels of learning abilities in their students.

This applies to all subjects of instruction, while going through the Units of Inquiry. Whether it be in teaching languages, or science or even art! One of the activities in this training was also creating Tic Tac Toes based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, which later the Facilitators discussed and evaluated. The Facilitators came up with Choice Boards for French and Language Instruction as well.

A great collaborative and learning experience altogether to head on to a great enriching year ahead!