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PYP Yoga Session

On Monday, the Year 1 and the Year 2 Hindi Language students were a part of an interactive Yoga Session by one of our parents, Mrs. Sulekha Gupta. The Yoga Training session, during Hindi, was part of their Unit Integration as Year 1 students’ Unit of Inquiry is Citizenship and Year 2 students’ Unit of Inquiry is Balanced Lifestyle.

Mrs. Gupta instructed the students to take their places in the Yoga Mat, and sit cross-legged as she told them very briefly on the origin of Yoga. As she started doing the Yoga Asanas, the students followed suit – for each Yoga Asana, she explained its benefit to the students. Some were for balance, some for body strength, some were breathing exercises and other yoga poses to be an introductory lesson on what Yoga is like. What was the cutest to watch that 5 and 6 year olds, were trying to maintain the coordination of their bodies while doing the Yoga poses!

Yoga has an long list of benefits. Not only is it great for physical well-being and finding strength and balance in one’s body, but it is an exercise for the peace of mind. Children being introduced to yoga at such an early age is great for their coordination and flexibility; moreover, it helps strengthen their growing bodies and brings inner peace, discipline and reduces the impulsivity.

It’s a win-win! We will be have more such initiatives for overall well-being at our school, and other programmes, so stay tuned!