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Seeing Red in the Early Years

On Friday 17th August 2018, it was Red Day! That means that all the Early Years students from Playgroup till Reception came to school in something red, whether it be a red dress or a red t-shirt, or red shorts, or any other item of clothing.

All of them matched up looked so adorable! In the morning before they went on to their respective classes, all students in the Early Years, made a circle in the courtyard and sang rhymes with each other, for collaborated learning. Their day centered on nursery rhymes, games, activities and crafts about the color red.

Some classes sang nursery rhymes, while other classes would play games on identifying the color red, and do other similar activities, and some classes also got involved in identifying red shapes and making paper roses that were red in color.

All in all, these activities were set up to develop the understanding in the early years children, about different colors, how to identify them, what to call them, the phonics on how to pronounce these colors and more, to aid their overall literacy and numeracy learning.

There will be more such days spanned across the weeks, and if your child is in early years, to know more about color coded days, download the ARIS App on School Stream to get notified!