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Student Council Elections

It’s that time of the year again! With the new Academic Year 2018/19, comes new student leadership as well! This morning, before our Student Representative Council Elections later this week, our PYP Students attended the Assembly to hear the Manifesto Speeches of Year 6 students who are standing for Head Boy and Head Girl positions.

The Head Boy and the Head Girl positions hold the highest chair in the Student Representative Council, above all the prefects. They hold great power of representing the Student Body, and thus, even greater responsibility. Thus, those that even consider standing or those that are nominated for the Head Boy and/or Head Girl positions are the students that most model the best leadership qualities and capabilities to represent the entirety of the student body.

From Year 6, there were 4 boys and 5 girls, Nana, Ishan, Raphael, Andre, Iman, Claire, Thera, Lina and Mahima, that were nominated to give their Head Boy and Head Girl Manifestos. They are a group of 9 students who really took risks, and showed principled and balanced characters as they communicated to the entire student body, who would subsequently vote for them to be the next Head Boy and Head Girl of this Academic Year.

All 9 of them came to the podium and delivered their manifestos with defined goals and visions for the student body. Recognizing the responsibility that they wish to take on, all of them stated that they would make sure that the school stayed clean because, as one of them proclaimed, “our school is our second home.” Some spoke about a healthier school, others spoke about how they would ensure that the student voice would be heard, they also spoke about being a good example of the school inside and outside the school. There were also points on a No-Bullying Policy and one of the nominees also spoke about a Primary Theatre Arts Programme!

Well, it’s a tough call! Let’s hope that the students vote for the person they most think will be a good representative of the student body. Nevertheless, kudos to all the 9 students who came up and addressed the entire school, bravely! We hope that our students continue to inspire, empower, and transform their peers and us!