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Taking Care of Business Week - Faculty

Its ‘Taking Care of Business Week’ and we are all getting ready to start the new Academic Year 2018-19 up, in full swing! Are you ready?

After a long summer, we all come back with fresh minds, ready to take on the new challenges and opportunities that a new Academic Year brings.

Today being the first day of ‘Taking Care of Business Week’, our Faculty and the newcomers were engaged in different activities at the Staff Orientation, at both schools. At the Primary School, a peak into the orientation got us to witness some of the activities taking place.

The PYP Coordinator, Madam Sandeepa, was coordinating an activity where all the PYP Facilitators sat in circles based on the IB Learner Profile that they embody. Furthermore, as per their experience of being a PYP Facilitator, they were given the exercise to describe how they depict themselves as their specific IB Learner Profile, which would be evaluated by their fellow team members. A great team building and learning activity to start off!

At the Secondary Campus, there were activities such as Two Truths and a Lie that all new Staff had to play, as an Ice Breaker, as they get introduced to our Schools’ Teaching, Learning and Working Environment.

These are some of the activities among a lot of others across the two campuses. What remains universal is the zeal and the drive towards our goals, with our core values. As an all-inclusive school, the drive is to make sure that we are all collaborating and learning to be the best that we can be, to empower and facilitate our students to be the best that they can be.

Synonymous to this, are our revised ARIS Core Values –

· Greatness in Everyone

· Learning with Everyone

· Creativity and Innovation by Everyone

· Service to Everyone

· Change for Everyone

…And, with this, we start off the first day of our year, with high energy to strive for greatness, be lifelong learners, work our creative and innovative bones, serve our community, and of course, give a chance to everyone to do the same. Inclusive is the name of the game!