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Thank You ARIS PSA

Thank you ARIS PSA! Our Parent-School Association (PSA) is a strong pillar of support in the ARIS Community. From events like International Day and Barbecues that embrace the diversity and togetherness of our community, to little gifts to express their gratitude, and now one of their best gifts to us – a Basketball Court at the ARIS Secondary Campus!

During the last Academic Year, there was planning of the Basketball Court, and where it would be situated and all logistics. However, over the holidays, the PSA worked tirelessly with contractors to make the Basketball court plan a reality.

This Academic Year as the students and teachers returned, they had the Basketball Court (among other things) welcoming them back to the campus! Now we have a space for children and teachers who love to play basketball, to play and plan to incorporate that into our PE and even co-curricular activities.

Students have also been spotted playing with members of faculty and administration, during the after school hours in a friendly basketball match!

So many new memories to make and games to play in the new ARIS Basketball court, adjacent to our Football Field! Thank you so much ARIS PSA!!