ARIS MUN Delegates participated in the 13th annual Ghana Model United Nations (GHAMUN) Conference, hosted by Lincoln Community School. The conference runs from 1-3 February 2018. The delegates will experience real world topics as they simulate in a realistic UN setting. This year’s theme is “Catalysts of Change”. The student experience will advance them one step closer to solving real world issues. These are our future leaders.
Congratulations go out to Minai, Sara and our Hed Girl, Guvendik, Zeynep Sude for their honorable mentions.
Let me just begin by stating that the conference was exceptional. I was delighted that the country I was assigned to was Niger, as the Environmental Commission had many topics with relation to African countries- such as ‘The Question of Wild Animal Poaching in Africa.’
I will have to admit, preparing for this conference was stressful. Partly because I underestimated my abilities and I had already declared that I wouldn’t be recognized. Nonetheless, I put immense hard work and effort into my resolutions as I knew that my country had a lot of scope in terms of combatting animal poaching. When my resolutions were ready, I felt a little more confident and decided to share my progress with my fellow delegates. Overall, I received positive feedback and decided to keep improving my work until I was satisfied with it.
In the blink of an eye, the first day of our conference had already rolled by and it was the most crucial day of all three; lobbying and merging. In simple words, this meant talking to people who were complete strangers and trying to persuade them that your resolution would be effective and, I must say, I did a better job than I expected. I made so many new friends and for the first time, I didn’t sit alone during a conference break, which to me, was a huge achievement. This made me realize that sometimes you surpass your own expectations when you just let things flow.
Everyone was nervous and anxious to get to the awards, especially me. My heart was pounding and I felt a weird sensation in my stomach. When it got to the turn of my committee, The Deputy Secretary-General announced my name and it felt like I’d almost won a war, although it was not the highest ranking, I was happy to be recognized in a sea of other great delegates. Standing up on that stage made me realize how encouraging and supportive our facilitators had been throughout and I’m glad I can use this platform to thank them for all their sleepless nights and constant phone calls. I’m sure all delegates agree with me and appreciate their presence. In the end, I walked home with a title and with contacts of friends I had made during the conference; I would do anything for an experience like this again!
- Sara Minai, Environmental Commission
GHAMUN was a great learning experience for me, a chance to debate about issues that I may never have had the opportunity to, in everyday conversation. Not only did we debate issues, but we also developed a focus on solutions, and I feel that this is a much more constructive approach.
There were issues such as human trafficking as well as narcotics trafficking brought up in the General Assembly, both of which I enjoyed writing resolutions for. As I was representing a P5 nation, lobbying for me was the most enjoyable part of the conference. Although there were tensions on the floor at times, collaborating with other students who shared my passions was a truly amazing feeling. Hopefully, I will be able to take part in such a conference again.
- Nawal Chaudhry , General Assembly
GHAMUN personally helped me so much as a delegate, to be able to debate with strangers that I have not met before. I was able to challenge myself and prove to myself that I was confident enough to do so. For this, I also thank my teachers for the professional training given to us at school. I was part of Environmental Commission and we had debates concerning "how to protect the Amazon River and Rainforest" and other engaging and widespread global issues. As an individual, I learnt that in life, everyone you meet comes across your journey for a reason. It was a valuable experience that would surely help me in the coming future.
- Sara Baroudi, Environmental Commission
GHAMUN benefited me in so many ways, I got better experience in public speaking and also the use of formal language. I personally enjoyed this a lot and I did not want it to end. I made so many new friends and got to know more about other countries and the major problems in each country. Basically, I never wanted it to end and when it did I was so sad and I almost cried. As someone that went to a conference for the very first time, I encourage each and every Al Rayan student to have a chance to attend at least one conference.
- Merna Ayman, General Assembly
My first and best experience of MUN, competing with delegates who have had years of experience was a huge challenge for me. However, after the first day, I was able to grasp the procedures and the entire MUN concept, enabling me to be more active in submitting amendments for other resolutions.
At a point, I was really impressed with my contributions and began to realize my potential to achieve beyond my own expectations. As the delegate of the United States, I had lots of questions posed from countries like China and North Korea, but I managed to find reasonable solutions to address each operative clause. At the end of the GHAMUN conference, I received an honourable mention, which I consider a great start for my MUN experience!
- Zeynep Guvendik, Human Rights Council