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Dance Mania Secondary

Mid-week stress buster alert!! On Wednesday the 21st of February, Dance Mania at the Secondary School was held. Everyone, including students and the staff, put on their Dancing shoes as they put on a wonderful show for the whole of Secondary. Trained by the performance crew – Mr. Jude and Mr. Wisdom, Year 7 and 8 broke out into the dance floor and ‘boogied’ away!

Dance and any other form of Performance Art, done by our students give them a chance to really express themselves, outside of Academics. Some even come into their own elements when they are performing, whether it is in front of an audience or not. They were all risk-takers in getting in front of an audience and putting on an amazing show. The talent and the energy was palpable that even the performance crew and our Director, Dr. Fatma, put on an amazing impromptu set for all of us.

Too close a win, the winners of this year’s Dance Mania were the Year 7 As and coming second were the Year 8 Bs. Our students really showed us how skilled they are, and how they can balance both academics and performance at school effective. Altogether, a great end of the half-day and memories that spurs them on for the rest of the week.