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Fun-tastic Friday's

Friday Wear is one step further in emphasizing the ARIS Community. So why should only the Staff take part in this? As of the last two weeks, students can also take part in the Friday ARIS Wear. Being a part of a community as special as the ARIS Community makes each one of us feel special.

As staff do not wear uniform like the students, there should be something binding us all together. ARIS Friday wear to the rescue, and the fun part of it is that you can unleash your creativity in all of the ways that children and staff get their clothes stitched. It can be a top, it can be a scarf, it can be harem pants or any other kind of pants, it can even be a dress. As long as students come in one article of clothing made from the ARIS Fabric, it can be considered as Friday ARIS Wear.

Some of our ARIS Pupils have already done so. We urge more people to take part in this, and show solidarity to and feel at home in our diverse and dynamic community here at ARIS.