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Here's my Cover, so Read me Maybe!

Reading is imperative to learning and also fun. There is nothing like picking up a good book and being transported to a different world and getting answers to various questions we did not even know we had. With the IB Profile of the month at ARIS being - “Risk Takers”, the PYP Library is all set up to encourage kids to take a risk and pick up a book and read it.

Quirky is the best way to put the statement right outside the PYP Library saying - “Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, so here’s my Cover, so Read me maybe?” to also call in students to come and read the selection of books they have set up, that echo the spirit of Risk-taking and overcoming prior fears, for the month. The books range from early reading to more mature reading. Many of us would be nostalgic to see the list of books on the ‘Risk-Taker’ collection, including - “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, “Do you know Pippi”, “The Hedgehog Mystery”, “Jodie the Juggler”, “The Guinea Pigs”, “We’re going on a Bear Hunt”, “Max Can Do It!”, “Ahmed finds his Groove” and “Amazing Grace”, to name a few. Certainly, a great invitation.

Lest we forget, even Pablo Picasso said - “I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it”