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I Made it Myself

“Foods that we eat go through a Process of Change” is the PYP Unit of Inquiry under ‘How we Organize Ourselves’ for the little ones at Reception class, this cycle. Our little Eaglets could not be more thrilled to learn about how food and drinks that they consume in their everyday life looks before its consumed – like popcorn, rice, eggs, milk, fresh juice and so on.

Definitely sparks some culinary ideas that they can go home and demonstrate to their families. Most of us have all gone through a phase in our childhood years where we had little kitchen sets to play with and make ‘make-believe’ cups of tea and plates of food. Now, we can only imagine the excitement of having to take part in the real deal at school. Not only is it engaging for everyone and interactive but it also gives them an idea of how every part of our everyday life is organized.

Learners understand the importance of Balance in our lives through when we eat, the kinds of food that we eat and balanced food. Moreover, they also learn to appreciate the different forms and functions that their favorite foods have in their live.

This morning, Ms. Bernina from Reception, organized a workshop for the entire Reception Year by inviting a parent to teach the little learners about Orange juice, which is surely something every one of them have had. Not only were they excited to see, from start to finish, how a simple orange can squeeze our delicious juice through a juicer, but they were also excited for their turns to do so. One student even held out his glass of orange juice and said proudly “I made it!”.

This makes me believe in the little experiences that we have and how they impact our thoughts and learning processes. We want to teach our students to take every experience positively and be proud of any achievement, no matter how small or big. It helps them critically think, communicate, be more aware, confident and makes them more zealous about school.

Unit of Inquiry - How We Organize Ourselves

Central Idea: Foods that we eat goes through a process of change

Big Idea: Food

Lines of Inquiry:

Origins of Food Products
Changes Foods Go Through
Distribution of foods and their use
Concepts: Change, Form, Function

Related Concepts: Growth, Role

Attitudes: Respect, Appreciation, Curiosity, Enthusiasm

Profiles: Balanced, Risk-taker, Knowledgeable

Skills: Research, Thinking