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Lego Your Mind and Be Creative!

(sic) Lego Your Mind and Be Creative! Lego education has become a worldwide interactive teaching technique to get students to cooperate, be creative and learn with one another while having fun. It propels a child’s problem solving and organization skills through the construction of Lego blocks.

In today’s session, PYP Teacher – Evon Mattouk conducted a Lego Room session with Year One by dividing them into groups of two and three to engage with the the “More to Math” Lego kit. Today’s learning is not limited to Teachers and Blackboards. Math, in this case, so that it stays with students as a lifelong skill, is taught in a non-conventional and experiential way. It spurs on critical thinking from a very young age and gets them to learn to work with each other and be creative.

This afternoon, the little learners were given the task of representing the number – 7, in various ways, by building as many groups of 7 as possible with all the available blocks. They went to this gradually by starting by building a ‘snake’ with 3 different Lego blocks and then building a tower of 5 different Lego Blocks and then finally, a tower made of 7 Lego Blocks, that were given to them, in all different combinations.

Definitely, a class I would be excited for if it involved playing and learning, as you go. That is the beauty of learning in the 21st century, the overall learning experience stretches way beyond the classrooms.