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Planes, Trains and Automobiles

For Year One, this unit of inquiry revolves around the idea of Transportation and how different Communities make efforts to create transportation systems that meet their needs.

On Tuesday, they all sat around a poster with drawings of different systems of transportation that one can take. I am sure that we have all been in a car, or in a bus, or in a train or an airplane. Maybe, some have even been on a boat. Reflecting on their learning and experiences, students came together and were enthusiastic to label the various systems of transportation with the measured concept of the time that each takes.

In a fast progressing, globalized world, communities and groups of people need faster modes of transportation. Newer developments and technologies have facilitated that to our needs.Thus, explains the progression from a sailing boat/ship (transport on water) to Horses and Carriages, to Buses and Cars, which would be faster and more effective on the roads, to finally Trains and Airplane. The facilitator posed questions and students chose which system of transportation is the slowest and which is the fastest. To spur on some critical thinking, this also went on to the comparison of which is slower or faster than the other and why.

These lessons and experiential learning stays with children for longer making them more appreciative of the facilities around them.


Central Idea: Communities make efforts to create transportation systems that meet their needs

Big Idea: Transportation
Lines of Inquiry: 
Features of Transportation systems
Decisions involved in using transportation 
Systems of transportation and our changing needs 
Concepts: function, change, form
Related concepts: network, technology, sustainability 
Attitudes: enthusiasm, Creativity, Appreciation 
Profiles: thinker, reflective
Skills: thinking, social