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Play, Learn and Grow with Primary Co-Curricular Activities


What does a typical Tuesday afternoon at ARIS Primary School look like? To put it lightly, it definitely is not just Academia. Learning and education does not just stop at classrooms.

ARIS believes that extra-curricular activities are imperative to students’ concentration and confidence.

When students find an activity that they enjoy, it not only gives them a place to unwind and explore new interests but also propels them to be a part of a community and contribute to it. This helps them build their personalities and self-esteem.


ARIS offers 29 diverse kinds of after school co-curricular at the Primary Campus for both Juniors and Seniors, ranging from Sports Categories, like Football, Tennis, Basketball, to Languages, like, Hindi, Mandarin and Twi to Ballet to Cartoon animation and many more. On Tuesdays, from 15:10 to 16:00, all of the PYP Children scatter about to 9 different Co-curricular activities held. These include - Football and Tennis (Sports Category), Taekwando, Ballet, Sign Language, Puzzle solving, Cartoon Animations, Twi Language and even Mandarin.


The opportunities, thus, are also endless. All of these efforts create a multi-cultural, competent and a very diverse environment which helps students grow up in a place where they can be positively challenged and accepted, no matter how diverse their background may be.