Home News   There's 'More to Math' with Lego Education

There's 'More to Math' with Lego Education

When we think of our childhood, Legos or just “Blocks” as some called it, constituted a big, instrumental part of a game that we either played with our friends and peers or even on our own.

As society and education evolves, it is commendable how much interactive games like Legos can also form a big part on learning and development of children at an early age. At ARIS, we support the concept of 21st Century education which looks at learning as interactive and fun to be more memorable and effective, especially to younger age groups.

Legos being naturally engaging is an ideal medium to engage children in a learning environment and boost their motivation. Learning, in this case, becomes experiential be it learning Math, Science or any other subject. The kits we use at Primary school are the ‘Story Starter’, ‘More to Math’ and ‘Community’.

The experience of learning is hands-on, motivating children to be more hungry for knowledge and also helping them develop problem-solving, cooperative and communication skills which are imperative to have while growing up in the 21st Century.