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ARIS Class of 2018: Legacy with a Difference

The 16th of June marked a memorable day for us. It was the day of our 2nd Graduation Ceremony, as we graduated both the IB PYP Class of 2018 and the second IBDP Batch of 2018, at ARIS. The theme of the Graduation was “Legacy with a Difference”, and we know in our hearts that our Graduates will make a difference and leave a legacy, as they did at ARIS.

Our Graduation Ceremony started off with the Graduates Procession, first the IBDP and then the PYP Graduates. A very proud moment for all the families, peers and teachers present. To see your children, or your students cross a major milestone is always humbling and emotional.

Our Director, Dr. Fatma Odaymat, advised the Graduates, during her speech that “instead of striving for certainty, you should be in constant search of it”. As our Graduates go into the real world, they will be faced with various situations and uncertainties, but they will also be empowered and learn to strive at the face of them. Our Director made sure to leave them with advice that would stay with them in their new awaiting journeys and guide them. “Soar high my Golden Eagles, soar to new heights and let the world be your nest”.

As the ceremony progressed, the PYP Graduates were called one by one on stage, as their PYP Coordinator, Madame Sandeepa Chavan, spoke of their dear memories as PYP Students and spurred them on for newer heights and bigger challenges at Secondary.

With a splendid performance of “We Know The Way” by our ARIS Performing Arts Team, the time came for the most anticipated part of the ceremony. The IBDP Graduation, the last celebration and goodbye to our ARIS Students before they leave for various parts of the world.

One of the most celebrated parts of any graduation ceremony, is when the graduates themselves come and address all that are present. They not only speak for themselves, but represent their entire class. The Class Historian, Miss. Fadwa, wrapped up her years by acknowledging, thanking and replaying dear memories with her fellow graduates, her teachers and her family.

The Class Valedictorian thanked ARIS, as in his words, “Thank you for making the phrase, ‘Follow your dreams’ absolutely doable”. Recalling his years of a young shy boy when he first came to ARIS and all of his memories, he ended his speech by addressing his fellow graduates - “Let those leaves grow greener, but never let those branches grow too far apart”. He bid his emotional goodbye by a hauntingly beautiful performance of “Time to Say Goodbye” on the violin. There was not a dry eye, in the hall.

Their Graduation video played dear memories among themselves, and each of the graduates featured on the video to give a message to their families, teachers and friends.

As the ceremony drew closer to the Graduation ceremony, our Guest of Honor, Her Excellency The Second Lady of Ghana addressed the Graduates. In her words - “ARIS has given you the most valuable gift, the gift to dream as well as the strength to go after that dream”.

Now was the time! Mr. Harwell Asorwoe, the IBDP Coordinator, and their Homeroom Teacher, called each Graduate on stage, as he spoke about his memories with each of them. After all, it was not only their day, but a memorable day for all the teachers as well. It was funny, emotional and even quirky! Each of the Graduates came on stage and accepted their school diplomas from the Director and our Guest of Honor, Her Excellency the Second Lady of Ghana.

The ceremony was closed by a vote of thanks by the Head of Secondary School, Madame Alpana Mukherjee, who recalled the day that she graduated and the advice that she received from her Principal. She gave the same advice to the Graduates - “You have an active mind, you have a sound base ans you are young, so you can steer yourself in any direction you choose”. She thanked all the people present in the ceremony, families, teachers, ARIS Board, Senior Management Team, and all organizers. She closed by addressing the Graduates - “We all trust that you will reflect on your deeds, and stand up if and when you are frayed, and continue on your journey to your dreams”.

With the ceremony drawing to the end, we hope, as our Guest of Honor, Her Excellency the Second Lady of Ghana beautifully put it, that our graduates “grow to innovate, inspire and be the Legacy with a Difference”. With this, we celebrate and wish them a big hearty Congratulations!