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2017/18 Secondary Honour Roll Awards


With the Academic Year 2017-2018 coming to an end today, students in both the Primary and Secondary School had an Awards Ceremony. Students were awarded for their hard work throughout the Academic Year.

While at the Primary campus, the award categories were based on languages and performances and homeroom teachers, at the Secondary campus, the awards were more academic! Things are getting serious, aren’t they?

The Awarding Categories at Secondary were as follows –

Year 7 School Honor Roll

Merit Honor Roll Year 7

Year 8 Director’s Honor Roll

Merit Honor Roll Year 8

Year 9 Academic Honor Roll

Year 12 School Honor Roll

Merit Honor Roll Year 12

Without further ado, here’s the list of the winners!

Year 7 School Honor Roll –

Anha Chaudhury

Shreya Sudeep

Merit Honor Roll Year 7 –

Jennah Toutoungi

Salma Farag

Year 8 Directors Honor Roll –

Sara Mini

Year 8 School Honor Roll –

Anahita Dhar

Ajei Seray

Merit Honor Roll Year 8 –

Lina Baroudi

Keli Asorwoe

Merit Honor Roll Year 9 –

Leila Zabalaawi

Year 12 School Honor Roll –

Mohammed Ali Arif

Nawal Chaudhry

Merit Honor Roll Year 12 –

Mohammed Baroudi

We hope this serves them as an incentive to keep up their hard work! The following years will bring more opportunities and more winners, we are sure! Now, go enjoy your summer!!!