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PYP Reception Completion Ceremony Class of 2018

Our little Eagles at Reception close a chapter of their life, as they soar higher and higher. The theme of the 2018 EYP Graduation was “How We Express Ourselves”, and boy did they!

As the Parents would enter the Graduation venue, the fence was lined with little Graduate’s drawings with their writing on what they are proud of themselves for. Every single student had something different to say; while some wrote that they are proud of now knowing the difference between fiction and non-fiction, some said that they were proud that they learnt about flowers, others wrote that they are proud because they know about changes in food and some even said that they are proud because they got to read a lot. Aren’t you proud of our little learners? We know we are!

The first part of the Graduation line up was on the performances entirely by our talented early years students, right from Playgroup to the Reception Graduates themselves. In the theme of “How We Express Ourselves”, the program line-up glorified ARIS’ multiculturalism from a very early age. A group of students came up on stage and introduced themselves in all the languages spoken in class, from the diverse mix of students at Reception – French, English, Twi, Mandarin, Hindi, Arabic and so on.

The children all performed dances to songs in different languages and from various cultures – from Ghanaian, Indian, Chinese, Lebanese and more! They also had a scripted skit called “Why the Lion Roars”; they could not have looked cuter as all the Graduates dressed as various creatures in the Jungle (Pelikan, Chameleon, Monkey, Crocodile, and of course the Lion), and gave us a proper reasoning as to why and how the Lion is known as the King of the Jungle. The amazing lineup of performances by the EYP Group was finally closed by the Nursery students performing a song, entirely in French, on how even in the midst of all different backgrounds and cultures, we are all one. Our littlest ones at Playgroup also performed to “Different Colors” to close off the Programme of Events with immense cuteness!

All of these performances were MC’d by our amazing Communicator at Reception, Zahra; also a graduate herself. She went up on stage, in front of a wide audience of our Guest of Honor, Her Excellency The Second Lady of Ghana, our Administration and Parents and encouraged everyone to give a round of applause!

As the Graduation Ceremony drew closer, it definitely was bittersweet to think of how fast the year goes, and how far the little ones grow. All the parents were so proud of this milestone in their children’s lives, as they applauded and took pictures as their little ones went up on stage one by one to accept their Certificate by our Guest of Honor and Director, both of whom are parents of today’s graduates. All of the efforts put into these little learners to reach this milestone goes primarily to the unsung heroes, the Facilitators, who spend every day shaping little minds to be more open, communicative, balanced, risk-taking and everything else in between, which they demonstrated today.

All the graduates and their facilitators stood on stage and proudly sang their last song as a Reception Class, their Graduation Song. The hall was all smiles!

A great big thank you to our entire ARIS Community for being so supportive and making this day possible.