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ARISVERSITY Module 5: Collaboration

In the spirit of truly being Life-long Learners, our PYP parents at ARIS came together on Friday the 16th of March 2018, for the ARISVERSITY program. Parents come to be a part of the ARISVERSITY program in the efforts to truly grasp their children’s IB Education experience, to be able to understand inquiries and communicate in the ‘IB Language’. ARISVERSITY is held across the academic year, divided into 6 modules – PYP Elements, What are the Profiles, Inquiry, Subject Integration in the PYP, Collaboration and finally the Assessment. In the end, these parents become PYP Parents who also qualify as PYP Mentors for the Exhibition.

Last Friday, on the 16th of February, the fifth module on Collaboration was conducted by ARIS PYP Facilitators – Madam Asantewa and Mr. Gavor. 20 Parents were taken through this session in a very interactive way. The need for collaboration was the highlight of the sessions. The slides prepared for the module had the famous Hare and Tortoise story to emphasize the power of working together to end a race. Other issues brought up were regarding security, pupils’ snacks. All participants eventually had to make a presentation on the topic and write a reflection.

Good luck to their last session coming ahead, and stay tuned for more ARISVERSITY Updates!