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Life Cycles

This Unit of Inquiry is Life Cycles for Year One. Earlier last week they had gone into a little exploration during their nature walk to figure out what are the different living things that surround them, and what are the non-living things. Learning through outdoor experiences, is one of the most exciting and retaining learning methods. It gives way to practical applications from an early age.

Our Year One, this time, took play-dough and replicated some of the living things that they had listed earlier to learn more in depth about them. The little learners replicated, on play-dough, the different stages of a lifecycle of a frog and a butterfly (right from when they were a baby to their mature stage). They made eggs, tadpoles, floglets, frogs; they also created cocoons, caterpillars and a beautiful butterfly.

What fun! Learning has never been more creative and literally hands-on.