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PYP Unit U Turn

Unit U-turn at ARIS is an informative deep dive session that facilitators/teachers have together with the PYP Coordinator to discuss full turn-around and details of the Units of Inquiry.

A major part of learning within the IB Primary Years Program is the ‘Units of Inquiry’. This is a 6-8 weeks in-depth exploration of a specific concept by delving into the Central Ideas, the Big Ideas, Lines of Inquiry, Concepts, IB Profiles and Skills. This way, teachers can facilitate students into not only gathering a main understanding, but also research and critical thinking.

During the Unit U-turn held last week on Friday, different teachers came together to have an informative session on how they are tackling their Units of Inquiry – what they have done in their classrooms, what they have learnt along the past weeks, and so on. While doing so, they also received feedback on how to improve or enhance their roles. As it has already been said, teaching and learning only occurs successfully when a multitude of ideas multiply within a well versed, communicative and supporting community.