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An Author Among Us

ARIS is home to many amazing talents. From Artists to Singers to Public Speakers to now Authors who are sending in their books for Publishing.

Alankrita, a Year 8 student at ARIS Secondary, has recently surprised us with a finished novel called “The 2 Kingdoms and the Boy with the Golden Blood”. Not just the unbelievably good talent, but also the commitment that she has put in to her novel is commendable.

An avid reader and a huge fan of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series, she was inspired by her writing to write her own fantasy novel with a lot of adventure and vivid imagery. The book has well developed characters, two of the main ones being Andrew and Davis. She said that she named all of her characters after old English names.

The book is full of warriors, swords, legends and prophecies, which she loves in stories, much like “The Chronicles of Narnia” that she referred to as another inspiration in her writing journey.

Although Alankrita does not necessarily have a writing routine, she says that most of the time, the inspiration strikes in the nighttime when her imagination goes wild. She thoroughly enjoys reading these kinds of stories, and subsequently writing them because its, in her words, a “nice way to escape reality”. Just for a little while at least, till it beckons again!

Of course, like all authors, budding, published or established, there’s favorite parts of their own stories. It could be an interesting storyline or perhaps the most challenging part to write or finish. Alankrita recalls the part of her story when there is the “Escape from ‘Silver Palace’ through the tunnel”, stating that it was very interesting to write. Well, now that she says that, we are on the edge of our seats!

Well, now that we got the exclusive from Alankrita, it’s safe to say that we cannot wait to have ‘The Two Kingdoms’ in our Library shelves, to pick up and be engrossed in it, as we escape reality for a little while. Not to mention, inspired by her impeccable talent, as well. We are coming for your autograph, Alankrita!

*Credits of the Interview used for the Article goes to Mrs. Katie Tetteh, our ARIS Librarian.