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Fishing for Phonics

Jolly Phonics is one of the most important lessons to inculcate literacy skills to children at an early age. In PYP Nursery Class, the current Unit of Inquiry is “How We Express Ourselves”. In their Big Idea of ‘Learning through Play’, the children are able to communicate through play, be imaginative and also be reflective about how playful toys and activities can help in learning.

Students at Nursery this week were engaged in a Jolly Phonics activity that had students fishing for little fish on the ground that had different phonics like – “g” “p” “c” “u” and so on. The students identify the sounds that these letters make and also the objects, feelings and words that they relate the sound to.

Not only does it propel the children to be reflective and communicative, but also quick thinkers. They are able to make connections and express themselves which is vital for their academic, personal, social and emotional development.