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Health Talk with Dr. Funke and Dr Joanna

This week our School Physician, Dr. Joanna and the Head of the Counseling and Support, Dr. Funke organized a Health Talk with the Lower and Higher Secondary. The response from the students is something that we were not expecting at one go! It is in these instances, that we all realize how much we need to speak more about things that align to issues and phases that we all go through.

The talk that was held talked Eating Disorders, Nutrition and overall well-being. While Dr. Joanna spoke from the perspective of Physiology, her forte, Dr. Funke spoke about all of this from a Psychological and Emotional perspective. Everything that we put into our body affects not only our physical well-being but also psychological and emotional well-being. This explains the importance to have good nutrition and eat all meals!

This Health Talk is all the more important now that our school year is ending, and our students are in a time crunch and stress to finish off all their assessments. Stress affects eating behavior and leads the best of us to unhealthy alternatives that affects our holistic well-being. Moreover, Health Talks are significant at any point of time because we all face them and it is imperative to be discussed.

Our students’ response and feedback was beyond positive, as this Health Talk gave these students a platform and share their own stories and get their different questions answered. Students’ narratives and perspectives are all the more significant as they are growing adults who need proper eating schedules and nutrition, in a time where they are facing stress, peer pressure and more.

We think these Health Talks should happen more often! What do you think? We’ve a strong feeling you’ll agree!