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“Occupations” What do you do?

As summer nears, the PYP Campus is getting ready to wrap up their Units of Inquiry! Today in the Year 2 classrooms, they had a ‘Show and Tell’ presentation to mark the end of their Unit of Inquiry with the Big Idea on “Occupations” under the Programme of Inquiry of “How We Organize Ourselves”.

The Central Idea of this Unit was that “different occupations are essential for the well-being of a community”. Over the last 6 weeks, their lines of inquiry ranged from the different occupations to the interdependence of occupations within a community to our responsibilities towards our own communities.

Today, the little learners came dressed as the Occupation they want to be in when they grow up. While some dressed as Teachers, and Doctors and Businessmen, some reached out of this world to dress as an Astronaut! There were also Policemen, Ballet Dancers, Army Men and more!

A multitalented and multifaceted crowd of skills, talents and ideas! From their inquiry, they learnt about communities and how each community has essential organizations within them like hospitals, schools, businesses, law enforcement and so on, and each of these organizations have different occupations that benefit the community.

Each of the students went up and presented to their classmates, the occupation that they have dressed as, what the job entails, the organization that it falls under and its overall significance to the community. They were evaluated by the rest of their classmates based on this criteria.

Not only did they look so unbelievably cute, but they all learnt about how our society works and how each occupation is made such to have a specific role for the well-being of the community, that we are all a part of. Not only does it develop their principles and reflective skills, but also their communication skills. Moreover, it gives them the opportunity to make connections and understand responsibility.