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PYP Goes to Elmina Castle

Yesterday was Field Trip day at both the ARIS Campuses. While Year 8 at Secondary went to New Horizons, our Year 5 students, at Primary, went on a trip to Elmina Castle.

Elmina Castle is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and is the oldest European built building in existence, South of Sahara. During the Atlantic Slave Trade, the Elmina Castle was one of the most important points. The Dutch were running the slave trade, until the British took over in 1872.

Our Year 5 students visited one of the most important monuments that is instrumental to the painful history of not just Ghana, but West Africa. They went around the Castle, from the Governor’s floor, to the Female and Male Dungeons, to the ‘Gate of No Return’ to the place where the Memorial Plaque is kept.

It is important to know our history to learn from it. Despite the painful history, our students were inquisitive and strong through it, as they came back home that day knowing that they have learnt something that is needed and can never be unlearnt.