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PYP My Mum’s The Strongest Day!

Mums are the strongest indeed! At the PYP My Mum’s The Strongest Day, at ARIS Primary, all the Early Years Mummies came together to celebrate with their little ones, Mother’s Day in Ghana!

The morning began with an assembly set up with fun activities for both mothers and children to do together! They all danced to the tune of fun, upbeat songs with as they warmed up for the games about to begin.

First, they played a game where they had to each pass one ball that each of them were given around, to the left, as the music played. When the music stopped, the rule was that no one should end up with more than one ball in front of them. While the mothers sat in a circle, their children were behind them for good luck… and it was the best luck they needed!

The second game they played before they went off to each of their children’s classes for other fun activities was where mothers and children had to stand on opposite sides of the field. It was heartwarming to watch when the count was to ten, the mothers and the children running to each other. You can always find your mother in the crowd!

Each of the children went back into their classroom, excitedly tagging their mothers along to get into activities with them. There were activities like making matching bracelets, necklaces and other trinkets with their mothers, painting and mothers reading stories to the rest of the class.

It was a love-filled, blissful and energetic start of the morning for both the Mommies and their little Cubs! Happy Friday!