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A PYP Classroom in Focus 3A

A PYP Classroom in Focus!

What should a PYP Classroom look like? Well, there isn't a perfect look to achieve, but in the words of our core values, a good classroom should be one to Inspire, Empower and Transform the learners in it! This is especially vital considering the Classroom comprises of the center of our Education Model.

A look into our Year 3A Classroom and we were in awe! All the students' artwork was displayed beautifully across the roof, to inspire the students' creativity, everyday. Students' writings and works are displayed across the walls to empower these students as they grow and develop in their classroom, and there are little nooks and of course, a cozy reading corner to transport and transform the students! That's not it! To remind everyone who comes into that classroom, across the roof in big letters, is our 3 magic words, INSPIRE, EMPOWER and TRANSFORM, to remind all of us of our core purpose every single day!

Stay tuned for more classrooms in focus!