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ARIS Cares Fund Launched Today!

ARIS as an Institution and as a Community is one that is committed to Inspire, Empower and Transform for a Better World.

This Academic Year 2018/2019 marks ARIS’ 15th Anniversary. Making this all the more special is our year-long ARIS Cares Theme, which is committed to social projects and giving back to the community.


On the occasion of ARIS’ 15th Anniversary, the Al-Rayan International School Board of Governors, have procured the ARIS Cares Fund, which gives grants totaling to $10,000.00 to projects by Students and Staff, within and around the ARIS Community.

ARIS Core values and Characteristics, particularly, “Service to Everyone”, “Creativity and Innovation for Everyone”, “Responsibility and Respect”, and “Passion and Professionalism” support the Fund.

The ARIS Cares Fund will be a grant to support Inspiring projects that empower our own and/or surrounding communities. As a Teaching and Learning Community in the 21st Century, our aim with the ARIS Cares Fund is to move beyond a Leading International School with the highest standards of Education.

We are surrounded by powerful minds with transformative potential; the ARIS Cares Fund aims to transform ARIS into a leading Center for Innovation.