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Blended Learning, Paving the Way

ARIS is part of a discussion among the AISA Blended Learning Communities about Personalized Learning!

Our school pedagogy and teaching and learning practices are based on personalized learning and differentiated instruction. Two months back, some of our ARIS Facilitators attended the Blended Learning Workshops at the AISA Global Conference.

Blended Learning is the approach that combines traditional classroom methods with digital learning. As a part of the group discussion, ARIS' input is discussing about how it promotes not just personalized learning, but also equity. It is project focused and competency based.

ARIS, prior to the Blended Learning workshops, had already been informally using blended learning inside the classroom through "innovative instructional strategies", our PYP Facilitator, Mr. Jones says. Now ARIS is in the process of applying a holistic approach to blended learning which will ultimately provide a clear road map with priorities, objectives, timelines and more.

So far, ARIS has been able to engage and identify the priorities as far as resources, learning and students go.

Stay tuned for more on Blended Learning at ARIS!