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Making Connections is truly the Essence of an IB Education

Making Connections is truly the Essence of an IB Education.

The heart of our, and the IB Education Frameworks are the Learner. The IB Learner Profile, is a set of 10 attributes that IB Students strive to be, through their learning, reflection and action – Balanced, Caring, Reflective, Inquirers, Open-Minded, Thinkers, Risk-Takers, Communicator, Knowledgeable and Principled.

Sometimes, the IB Learner Profiles are incorporated to teaching and learning in the classrooms as well, to garner a better and more concise understanding of them.

While our Year 4 students learn about the Human Body, through their Unit of Inquiry, they all collaboratively worked on a poster with the IB Learner Profile linked to various parts of the Human Body. For example, with the specific properties that each organ, muscle or bone has, which IB Learner Profile is it most like! Isn’t that exciting?

It does take analytical and critical thinking skills to link biological functions and IB Learner Profiles together, but they were able to do it, and now it’s a part of our hallway artworks!

This is what the students linked together:

Knowledgeable Brain

Nerves the Communicator

Epiglottis the Thinker

Spinal Cord the Inquirer

Heart the Caring Organ

The Principled Lungs

Rib-Cage the Risk-Taker

My Open-Minded Stomach

The Reflective Glands

The Balanced Bones