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PYP Sports Day Awards Ceremony

Primary Campus held the annual ARIS Sports Day Programme, a few weeks ago and it was a great success! Our students, across the Red, Blue, Green and Yellow Houses came through with great bursts of energy as they participated across different Sports activities.

On the day, it was announced that the winning House of the Sports Day Event 2018 is Blue House! Congratulations to Blue House!

On the 31st of October, Primary Head of School distributed Medals, Certificates and Trophies to all other great Houses, Teams, and Students for their GREAT Show of Sportsmanship! There were Certificates given according to the Games of Volleyball, Track Racing, Obstacle Race, Handball and more! There were also other Teams or Student Specific Medals and Certificates!

It's a great way of recognizing the good work and talent in everybody. Congratulations to all the people, teams, and houses who received recognition and kudos to all those who participated and showed great zeal and teamwork on Sports Day!