Home News   PYP Year 6 Students held a Small-Scale Exhibition

PYP Year 6 Students held a Small-Scale Exhibition

On Friday, 16th November, our PYP Year 6 Students held a Small-Scale Exhibition as part of their Assessment for their Unit of Inquiry – Materials!

The central idea is that Materials can undergo changes that impact society in diverse ways with concepts related to sustainability. Relevant to today’s debates on sustainability and environmental impact, our Year 6 students picked their material as Plastic to be the topic of the Exhibition on Friday.

They worked individually and created various items out of plastic or made a presentation on plastic and its impact in our society! Some of their creations were – pencil case, ear rings, necklace, planter, a plastic dress, and even a water purifier!

Parents, and teachers came in to look at their exhibition and each of the presenters explained their process and why plastic is harmful to our society, displaying a deep understanding of the environment!

The process of research and thinking shone through! It’s amazing, the agency that the PYP gives to students to inquire into and present about topics that have a larger impact beyond just the classroom!