Home News   Art Integration: Inspiration from Vincent Van Gogh’s Infamous “Starry Night”

Art Integration: Inspiration from Vincent Van Gogh’s Infamous “Starry Night”

We have little Art protégés at our Primary Campus.

The current Unit of Inquiry in Year 3 is Arts, under the Trans-disciplinary Theme of “How We Express Ourselves”. As part of their Art Integration, the students were involved in a collaborative group art activity to make a huge painting, with all their ideas and colors!

They got inspiration from Vincent Van Gogh’s infamous “Starry Night”, and freely expressed themselves through colors and ideas into their own adaptation which they named “Beautiful Night”!

Beautiful, it is! We could not believe that this would be artwork of Year 3 students. The creativity is unbounded! Take a look at it yourself…

The Unit of Inquiry is as follows:

Central Idea: Through the arts people use different forms of expression to convey their uniqueness as human beings

Big Idea: Arts

Lines of Inquiry:

· The diverse ways in which people express themselves

· Expression of people’s uniqueness through the Arts

· The role of art in culture and society

Concepts: perspective, reflection, form

Related Concepts: perspective, self, expression

Attitudes: creativity, appreciation, independence

Profiles: open-minded, communicator, reflective

Skills: communication, social