Home News   Chinese Club: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

Chinese Club: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

You may know by now that ARIS now has a growing new co-curricular activity, the Chinese Club, in the Primary campus, led by our Mandarin Facilitator Mr. Young! The Chinese Club every week is exciting for the students as they are getting to explore various art forms in Chinese culture and understand its history, its significance and experience the process of making the art.

In the last few weeks, they have been able to make Chinese Peking Opera Masks and do Chinese Paper Cutting. Their latest activity has been Chinese Painting and Calligraphy!

Mr. Young got both the younger and the older students at the Primary to make Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings on their own! The students even used unconventional methods like using straws to paint. We are sure the end results are quite aesthetically pleasing!

Most importantly, our diverse groups of students are able to have the opportunity to not just be creative in a variety of ways but also learn and make deep inquiries into the richness of Chinese Arts and Culture!

Thank you Mr. Young!