Home News   Chinese Club, Introduction to Chinese Cuisine

Chinese Club, Introduction to Chinese Cuisine

As you may already know, ARIS has a growing Mandarin Department and Chinese Club, that Mr. Young, our Mandarin Facilitator carries out!

The Chinese Club is welcome to all students to learn more about Chinese Culture! From Chinese Art, to Chinese Theatre to Chinese Calligraphy and more! Students are loving it and its a growing club, as they get involved in hands-on activities and experience parts of the culture!

In the last Chinese Club session, the students experienced Chinese Cuisine! Food is distinct in different cultures, the way its cooked, the ingredients, the dishes and even the way that it is eaten! Chinese cuisine is no different, in fact, its even more complex than we could possibly think!

The students tried Chinese Dumplings that Mr. Young had brought himself for the students to try and they learnt more about the different Chinese dishes. They also learnt how to hold Chopsticks and eat any food with Chopsticks!

We are sure that next time they go to a Chinese Restaurant, they'll know a thing or two about Chinese food!

Chinese Club seems like a lot of fun! Where do we sign up?