Home News   Dr. Funke's 10 Stress Management Tip Trading Cards

Dr. Funke's 10 Stress Management Tip Trading Cards

Our Counseling and Support Department is getting jazzed up with resources!

Our Head of Counseling and Support, Dr. Funke, is also a Clinical Psychologist. She focuses on overall health and well-being, and talks about stress and how to handle stress among other topics to students, parents and staff on a day to day basis!

Now, we have Dr. Funke Trading Cards on the Ten Tips to Handle Stress! All of these Trading Cards have Dr. Funke’s words and her own illustrations! Students will now be exchanging and handing out these handy trading cards if any one feels like they might be undergoing any stress.

We all need some tips and reminders! Moreover, stress is a big issue among students, which should be addressed in different ways.

Take a look at the trading cards and we urge you to follow the same advice if YOU are too stressed!

For more news on the ARIS Counseling Corner, Stay tuned!