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Peace and Conflict Resolution

PYP at ARIS and around the world, encourages children to engage in subject matters of local and global contexts, be it cultural, political, through arts, or anything else.

Our Year 6 students are in their final year of the PYP, and one of the Units of Inquiry they just completed was “Peace and Conflict Resolution” under the Trans-disciplinary theme of “Sharing the Planet”. As a part of their “Finding Out” Inquiry process, the Year 6 students researched the world’s biggest conflicts in history.

They learnt about Global and National level conflicts at different points in history, from the Holocaust to the Apartheid to the Ghana Independence Movement. As a result, students in groups made interactive boxes and placards showing us a specific look at the overall conflict and chaos of these historical injustices. For example, for the Apartheid Box, they have created a division showing the racial divide situation, they’ve also made something for the Holocaust with a couple of pictures attached. They made one for the Ghana Independence Movement as well with relevant newspaper clippings and pictures from the time attached like "Douglas Hurd Hurls Ghana into Independence"

Finding out about these conflicts and the injustices gives them immense knowledge of the global situations then and today and allows them to be reflective of their learning.

Take a look at it yourself!