Home News   Thank you Dr. Rachel Pugh

Thank you Dr. Rachel Pugh

Dear Dr. Rachel Pugh,

We are writing to express our immense gratitude for you taking the time out of your busy schedule and joining us this week to support us through our grief.  The sudden and untimely death of one of our students had shaken the ARIS Community to the core. Your support and expertise has been an enormous asset in helping the ARIS Community, during this time. Your guidance and counseling has eased ARIS Students, Staff and Parents in understanding, accepting and redirecting our grief.

Our entire Primary School Staff would especially like to thank you for leading a group counseling activity, on Tuesday Afternoon. It was much needed for our heavy hearts. You have always extended your hand in supporting and collaborating with the ARIS Community, demonstrating the true values and triumphs of being a part of such a rich and caring community. ARIS Community grows stronger each day with people like you as an integral part of it.

As a token of our appreciation, ARIS would like to present you with our ARIS Cloth Stuffed Giraffe, as you showed such grace and uncompromised support to us and empowered us during our time of need. Thank you for sticking out your neck for us!

Best Wishes,

ARIS Community