Home News   The Breakfast Club, are your Students Getting Enough Sleep?

The Breakfast Club, are your Students Getting Enough Sleep?

Dr. Funke, our Head of Counseling and Support, organizes Weekly Breakfast Meetings with our Secondary School Year 12 class. Yesterday, being World Mental Health Day, Dr. Funke had a Weekly Breakfast Meeting with the Year 12 (IB-1) Class. The meeting this week will be focused on the students doing their own sleep study whereby every student will have to aim for 8 to 10 hours of sleep, as is recommended by the National Sleep Foundation.

With the school pressure, assignments, coursework, CAS, planning and all other responsibilities increasing, it’s only normal that one might not have a healthy sleeping pattern.

Every day, every week, every opportunity should be taken to raise awareness whether in the smallest or biggest ways to spread mental health well-being awareness.

We think that this is a great opportunity to speak to students about well-being on all fronts – physical, mental, emotional and also everything that contributes to it.

Stay tuned for more as such topics.