Home News   We have a Pilot for the Flight #7

We have a Pilot for the Flight #7

We have a Pilot for the Flight #7!

One of our new parents from Colombia is a Pilot! We were lucky to get him on our campus in full uniform, and it’s only fitting that we had to ask him to be the Pilot to our Flight #7 and took a picture of him with it!

Flight #7 has been warmly welcomed by the entire ARIS Community. From Students, to Staff, to Parents! Every break time and lunch time, there are students in and around Flight #7 exploring its details or even just hanging out inside it. During the end of school day, there are also a lot of parents who come in and take pictures with their children from Primary and Secondary school and more!

Everyone is in awe of Flight #7 and we don’t contest the reactions, because we are too! We are so glad that it is being hosted in our campus for our community to interact with it, over the next couple of months!