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What is Blended Learning?

During the mid-semester break, a couple of our IB PYP, MYP and DP attended the AISA Global Conference 2018, held in Dakar, Senegal. At the Conference, they attended the Blended Learning Workshops.

You may wonder what Blended Learning really is. Blended Learning is an Approach to Teaching and Learning in which the best practices from the traditional ways of teaching are integrated with Technology to facilitate personalized learning, while addressing different learning styles to ensure that students take ownership of their own learning.

With the world rapidly moving towards newer technologies and innovations, Teaching and Learning should incorporate them into the already existing strategies and practices, to get the best of both worlds. Thereby, better matched for diverse skills, more engaging and also better prepared for real life situations.

In Blended Learning, through the access to Technology, students can access educational resources from home and even in school, and learn in their own pace, more effectively.