Home News   Year 2 on personalizing the IB Learner Profiles, According to Their Traits and Personality

Year 2 on personalizing the IB Learner Profiles, According to Their Traits and Personality

Our Year 2 PYP Students are always up to something! In fact, all our PYP Students explore their creativity in different ways.

The students were involved in an activity that had them drawing versions of themselves on paper and personalizing the IB Learner Profiles, according to their traits and personality.

They really got creative as they colored in their different skin tones, their distinct features and their colorful clothes. Some drawings had figures with blonde hair or brown or black hair, and curly hair or hair in a ponytail. Some other drawings also had different colored clothes, some wearing skirts and some wearing shorts. Look at the drawings, and you may just recognize a caricature of someone you may know!

The students labelled the parts of their body in their pictures and were told to think about what IB Learner Profile they exhibit already in their day to day and what they wish to be.

Here are some samples of what the students wrote:

"Hi, my name is Ameer, I think I am a Risk-Taker, I want to be Respectful"
"Hi, my name is Samar. I think I am Principled, I will want to be Independent"
"Hi, I am Sayesha. I think I am Balanced, I will want to be Empathetic"
"Hi, I am Samad. I think I am Principled, I want to be Creative"
"Hello I am Angelina, I am Caring, I will want to be Tolerant"

Here, have a look yourself! Stay tuned for more fun activities that the children take part in!