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Congratulations 2018/19 SRC

Congratulations to the ARIS Secondary Student Representative Council (SRC) Members! We are so proud to announce that –

Catherine Kassar is our Head Girl

Doji Ajei is our Head Boy

Khaled Shaarani is our Assistant Head Boy

Meera Bheenick is our Assistant Head Girl

Sara Baroudi is our Head of Class Representatives

The Investiture Ceremony held at both school is the Official Appointment of Duties to our elected SRC Members for the Academic Year ahead. This year, at our Secondary Investiture, Lady Edna Quartey was our Guest Speaker.

In her speech, she gave the students the advice of to be themselves and be honest in their duty, for the members of the SRC to be empowered and make a lasting impact on ARIS.

Subsequently, the SRC Members – Head Boy, Head Girl, Assistant Head Boy, Assistant Head Girl, Head of Class Representatives and all the Class Representatives from Year 7 to Year 13 were called on stage to receive their Badges and take their Oath, which was led by our Guest Speaker.

Upon being appointed, the Head Boy and Head Girl delivered their speeches stating that they are ready to take on the duties and responsibilities that come with the post, and that they promise to represent the student body and seek their respect and trust to do so.

We are so excited for the year ahead with the SRC Members and are sure that they will indeed leave a lasting impact on ARIS!