Home News   Express Yourself with the "Tripod Grip"

Express Yourself with the "Tripod Grip"

Last week was Yellow Day. Every Friday, among our Early Years, we have a color day – this is a fun activity at the end of the week – children learn and do activities around the color, which works on their abilities to identify different colors. It is also a great community and peer building activity, it’s always great to match with your friend and express yourself!

Our earliest years’ children at Playgroup on Yellow Day got involved in a painting activity. They were put in groups to paint the Sun, because the sun is also yellow like the color they are wearing on Yellow Day! Most of the activities that Playgroup children do are for their essential growth and development, as they are all under the age of 3.

In the ‘Painting the Sun’ Activity, the vital skill to acquire is their “Tripod Grip”. The Tripod Grip is known as the use of the Thumb, Index Finger and Middle Fingers to make a functional grasp that is most useful when holding a pencil, pen, paintbrush or anything that is vital for their writing skills. Practicing the Tripod Grip is most useful once children progress to Nursery and Literacy Integration is more concrete in their programme.

Nevertheless, getting the habit of the ‘Tripod Grip’ is essential to their future learning, and the fun part is, that it is done through involved and fun activities that keeps their brains developing!