Home News   Friendship - Comparing Traits - Reception

Friendship - Comparing Traits - Reception

Under the Unit of Inquiry of “Friendship”, under “Who We Are”, our Reception students are keeping busy with collaborative peer to peer activities.

Last week, the Reception students were comparing traits with each other. The activity called for students to make pairs. The pair would then observe one another and identify each trait which is similar or different; they would also look in a mirror and point out some of their traits. After evaluation, the pair would paint each other!

This is a creative activity that works on building social and communication skills among the Early Years. Also, it’s a great activity to develop identity and build relationships with peers!

The Unit of Inquiry for this activity is as follows -

Central Idea: Friends can have an impact on our well-being

Big Idea: Friendship

Lines of Inquiry:

· Developing and Making Friends

· Effects of Friendship on us

· Importance of being a good friend

Concepts: Causation, Responsibility, Connection

Related Concepts: Values, Relationship

Attitudes: Respect, Tolerance, Integrity, Cooperation

Profiles: Caring, Communicator

Skills: Social, Communication, Self-Management