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Friendship, Drawing my Friend

The PYP in our Early Years is always engaged in activities, corresponding to their respective Units of Inquiry, which makes learning fun and practical!

Last Friday, on Yellow Day, we spotted some Reception students sitting around a table, in pairs and painting. Painting with young children is not only a fun and immersive activity, but it also stimulates their brain and aids their creative development. Additionally, it allows them to express themselves!

Our Reception students were put in pairs as they sat together and painted each other using sponges. The present Unit of Inquiry being Friendship, the activity was apt in the understanding and development of Identity, Connections and Communication skills amongst our students, in their formative years. Moreover, it demonstrates the learner profile ‘Caring’ and also, the collaborative paired activity works their teamwork and cooperation skills.

The students were excited to use a large circle sponge to paint the head, and then color it in, with their partners’ skin tones, and painting the eyes, ears, nose, lips and more! They also painted ponytails for the girls, and bows and bow-ties. It was very exciting for them and very cute to watch.

To get some context, the Unit of Inquiry is as follows –

Central Idea: Friends can have an impact on our well-being

Big Idea: Friendship

Lines of Inquiry:

· Developing and Making Friends

· Effects of Friendship on us

· Importance of being a good friend

Concepts: Causation, Responsibility, Connection

Related Concepts: Values, Relationship

Attitudes: Respect, Tolerance, Integrity, Cooperation

Profiles: Caring, Communicator

Skills: Social, Communication, Self-Management