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Leadership at ARIS is about Inspiring, Empowering and Transforming our ARIS Community: Meet the SRC

Leadership at ARIS is about Inspiring, Empowering and Transforming our ARIS Community.

Today was a big day for ARIS Primary Campus, with the 2018/2019 Academic Year’s Investiture Ceremony! At the beginning of every Academic Year, we hold Elections for the Student Representative Council; this includes Class Prefects, Deputy House Captains, House Captains, Sports Captains, Deputy Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl and of course, the Head Boy and the Head Girl.

The elected Student Representative Council, during the Investiture Ceremony, is then appointed to their positions with an Official Badge and a Sash in front of the whole Student Body, Parents, Faculty, Administration and Guests of Honor.

This morning, bright and early, started with our Investiture Ceremony. Parents of the students elected to the SRC were also present, along with all the students of Primary school, the PYP Coordinator, Head of School and Faculty. Our Head Boy also led our Guests of Honor – Dr. Fatma Odaymat (Our Director), Mr. Abdallah Toutoungi (Finance Controller, Member of the Board) and Mrs. Samah Kalmoni (Wife to our Board’s Vice Chair) to their seats.

The event started with members of the SRC walking in with the Ghana Flag, the ARIS Flag, & the 4 House Flags, and everyone standing up and singing the National Anthem and the Pledge, before the ceremony would commence.

Every single class prefect, from Year 1 up to Year 6, was called forward and they were decorated with a Sash and a Badge that would be theirs for the rest of the year. Our Head of School, Madam Dania Sadek, led the oath that would be taken by the prefects, to uphold the values of Al-Rayan International School!

Soon after the Oath, the Deputy House Captains were also called on stage – there are 2 Deputy House Captains for each of the 4 Houses (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow) and subsequently the 4 House Captains. The 2 Sports Captains – Girl and Boy were also called up and decorated with their respective Sashes and Badges.

Now, came the time for the top seat holders of the Student Representative Council – Deputy Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl, Head Boy and Head Girl. They are the leaders of the SRC and the Student Body. Nana and Thera from Year 6 were appointed as the Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl respectively, followed by Andre and Claire, our Head Boy and Head Girl for Academic Year 2018/2019.

All the SRC Members, in their positions, were then to take their Oath led by our ARIS Director, Dr. Fatma, to always inspire, empower and transform. One of our Guests of Honor, Mr. Toutoungi also advised them in his speech to uphold their responsibilities respectively and be role models, with an inspiring story.

The event was closed by our now officially appointed Head Boy and Head Girl, Andre and Claire delivering their Maiden speeches thanking the student body for electing them, thanking everyone present for their support, and promising to uphold the values of ARIS in and out of the school, and stay true to the Student Body.